Comprehensive Wealth Management

Wealth building and asset preservation is a bit like remodeling a house. You start with a foundation of wealth already in place, but to complete your dream home—and realize your dreams for the future—you need a well-designed plan and the help of a wide range of skilled professionals.
At Strategic Wealth Advisory Group Consulting Services, LLC, we take a comprehensive approach to planning. We don’t focus on one aspect of your wealth, but every aspect, so that all the components fit together seamlessly. Our goal is to build upon the wealth you’ve already achieved, protect it for your enjoyment today and that of your loved ones tomorrow. Ultimately, we strive to provide you and your family with the peace of mind that comes from knowing your financial future is in good hands.
Your financial blueprint for success
To remodel your home, you would begin by working with an architect. The same is true for building a truly effective wealth management plan. You have to work with financial architects capable of designing a blueprint for success. And you have to convey to the financial architect what you want your future to look like. That is, what you want for yourself, your family and your legacy two, five, ten years from now… and beyond. Helping you define your goals and then putting our extensive experience, knowledge, resources and energy into making your dreams a reality is what Strategic Wealth Advisory Group Consulting Services is all about.
Specifying your goals can be tougher than you think
It can be surprisingly difficult to precisely define your goals and develop a clear vision of what you want your future to look like. We are committed to taking the time to help you identify your most pressing concerns, determine what matters most to you, and clarify your hopes for the people and institutions you care about. In short, we help you set priorities. Maybe you want more free time to travel, or pursue the hobbies and activities you are passionate about; maybe you want to spend more time with your family; maybe you want to use your wealth to help “change the world.” It’s all about determining what matters most to you and making your dreams for the future become a reality.
Once we have a thorough understanding of your priorities and goals, our team goes to work. Experienced estate planning and asset protection attorneys; leading tax professionals; certified public accountants; wealth management specialists, insurance professionals; all working together, with you, to turn your vision for the future into reality. We have found that close collaboration like this between experts from a variety of disciplines yields the most successful plans. We also welcome the opportunity to work with your existing attorneys, accountants, fiduciaries and other trusted advisors. In summary, we are committed to putting the best minds, most sophisticated strategies, and latest technological tools to work on your behalf.
When you remodel, you don’t start from scratch
Most of our clients have a foundation of substantial wealth and have already done some planning. This might include various wealth building and asset preservation materials, such as an IRA, a will, a trust, perhaps a rudimentary business plan. What they lack, and what they truly need, is cohesion. Our comprehensive approach involves looking at all the opportunities available and using advanced strategies that go well beyond the basics to create a comprehensive plan in which all the parts fit together harmoniously. Some of our special areas of expertise include:
- Proactive tax planning, to enable you to keep more of what you earn
- Asset protection, to protect your hard-earned assets from creditors, predators, litigation, divorce, remarriage, and even the poor decisions of your heirs
- Estate planning, both traditional and advanced
- Business planning, from formation through exit
- Real estate planning
- Retirement planning
We have the knowledge, resources and experience to help you in all or just some of these areas, depending on your particular needs. We will do whatever it takes to make your vision of the ideal future a reality.
Our proprietary six-step Financial Remodeling Process™
While each of our client’s concerns and hopes for the future are unique, and the plan we create for every client is customized to meet their specific needs, we have found that our six-step process is both highly effective and greatly appreciated by our clients.
Phase 1: Project Analysis™
– Identifying your planning goals
This is our introductory meeting, where we will ask the right questions, get to know your concerns and gain a thorough understanding of what you want to accomplish in the future. We will also describe our process and fee structure. If you like what you hear, and we agree to work together, we will begin the process of designing your plan.
Phase 2: Existing Materials Review™
– Analyzing the parts you already have, and those you will need
Here we bring together all of the parts of your financial situation. We review the information and documents you provided at our initial meeting, prioritize your goals, and conduct an in-depth DOS (Dangers, Opportunities, Strengths) assessment. This involves looking at:
- Dangers. Gaping holes in your current planning that could result in paying too much in taxes, risks from creditors, predators and lawsuits, lack of time to realize your dreams, inefficient coordination of your resources, and many more.
- Opportunities. Missing parts and “leaks” that, if filled, can help you build more wealth and preserve it for your enjoyment now and that of your loved ones in the future.
- Strengths. Materials that you already have, such as income stream, property,equity and more that we can build upon and augment.
Phase 3: Creating Your Blueprint for Success™
– The design and engineering of your plan
This is when our team of skilled financial engineers and craftsmen roll up their sleeves and get to work on designing your plan. Our estate planning and asset protection attorneys, tax professionals, certified public accountants and wealth management specialists put the nuts and bolts in place to turn your vision for the future into reality.
Phase 4: Design Presentation™
– Presenting your plan, discussing how the parts fit together
This is where we present our plan to you. We will explain all of the components in detail, answer all of your questions, and make adjustments based upon your feedback. When this meeting ends, you will have a plan that addresses all of your concerns and can help you realize your goals and dreams for the future.
Phase 5: Financial Construction Process™
– Implementing your plan
The plan you have approved is now systematically implemented in order of your stated priorities.
Phase 6: Maintenance and Upkeep™
– Plan Review and Maintenance
Should your goals or needs change, it is important that your plan does as well. We recommend reviewing your plan at the very least every two years, and whenever your life, or that of someone you love, has changed dramatically.